Business Name and Logo
select the "new page" icon from the toolbar. Enter the desired page name in the box provided. Choose whether you want a blank page, to copy a page from a template, or to close an existing page, then click "Add".
How do I add text to my site?

To add text to your site, select the 'add text' icon from the toolbar. A movable text box will be added to the top left hand corner and the words '<Your Text Here.>' are displayed. You can then click in the text box to change the text or drag and drop the text wherever you want it to appear on your page.
How do I create a new page?

To create a new page, select the "new page" icon from the toolbar. Enter the desired page name in the box provided. Choose whether you want a blank page, to copy a page from a template, or to cloe an existing page, then click "Add".
Your Slogan Goes Here
Business Name and Logo